Three Muses Weekly Challenge - Masculine

 Three Muses Challenge - Masculine. Photo of my husband and son. Background from Mischief Circus Holliewood Dystopian kit.


Deann said...

A lovely tender picture, very nice.

indybev said...

Interesting background for the touching photo! Glad you got on board with no trouble this time. Now you're off and running!!

me said...

Thank you Bev and Deann. I chose the background to represent the dangerous world we live in and a father's promise to keep his child safe. I also wanted to represent that masculinity includes tenderness. And yes! I'm thrilled to have overcome the obstacle of commenting! I am definitely onboard.

Gillena Cox said...

Nice one!!!

mine is HERE

much love...

Taluula said...

Oh, simply beautiful.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

This is fantastic.

Mary M. said...

This is so lovely.

Michele said...

this is so precious. beautifully done. xo